TALK CHICAGO VOL.06 | 践谈芝加哥第六期 The art of management

践谈芝加哥 与 Stantec Architecture携手为大家推出两期“Project Management”的讲座。主讲人是Stantec Architecture的Principal(Owner), Douglas King先生。他具有三十多年的建筑实践经验,并曾担任吉林大学的客座教授,Kansas大学的设计STUDIO教师,以及UIUC和宾大的客座讲师。
本期的主题是“如何提高作为建筑师的价值”。将从个人发展的角度,重点讨论如何提高你对公司的价值,以及完善自我能力。下期则从公司与项目管理的方向,为大家具体解析关于项目经费,进度管理,收费模式与附加服务等Project Management中常碰到的问题。这两期讲座将以“专题讨论会”的形式呈现,希望大家能学到关于项目管理与操作的新知识!
Douglas King, principal at Stantec Chicago, in collaboration with APTalks-Chicago, leaded two sessions of interactive seminar on professional development + project management. Young designers learned from an industry veteran how to run a real project as well as how to best position yourself in the value chain.
King, with 30 plus years of architectural practice experiences, is now visiting professor at Jilin University, studio adviser at Kansas University, as well as visiting lecturer at UIUC and University of Pennsylvania.
The first seminar was titled “Increasing Your Value as an Architect”. This seminar focused on professional development and personal growth.The second seminar will focue on project management, and talk about budgeting, progress managing, design fees, added services, etc., things that managers run into on a daily basis.
活动时间/Time: 19/05/2018( Saturday) 2:00pm.
活动地点/ Location: Stantec Chicago, Chicago
本文编辑团队:汪隽/ 杨逸敏/ 周航/王兆辰/ 周闻/蔡亚庆/周婷
EditorialTeam: Jun Wang / Yimin Yang/ Hang Zhou/ Klark Wang/ Wen Zhou/ Yangqing Cai/ Tifa Zhou
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young design talents and creative minds in architecture, design and urbanism, and fosters an international design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulating cultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, site visits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence and encouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offline experience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings together over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.