践谈 • 纽约 第41期 : MVRDV:我们有多好?

How Good Are We? 挑战边界

Computational Tooling in Practice 基于计算机工具的设计实践

The increasing role of standardized, digital design tools has placed data-driven design exploration and performance quantification at the core of architectural decision-making processes. Recognizing the need for design tools that are specific to MVRDV’s methodology and building on the practice’s heritage of visionary tools, the computational R&D unit MVRDV NEXT was established. Leo and Yayun will talk about the role of NEXT within MVRDV’s global practice and illustrate their on-going research on deign quantification through applied, speculative and academic case studies of MVRDV NEXT.

标准化数字设计工具在如今发挥着愈加重要的作用,数据驱动的设计探索和量化建筑性能已经成为设计决策的核心。开发使用前瞻性设计工具是MVRDV 一直以来的传统,其不断进化的独特方法论也需要持续开发设计工具来辅助实现,基于此,MVRDV成立了计算机研发部门——MVRDV NEXT。来自该部门的设计师Leo Stuckardt和刘雅蕴将讨论 NEXT 团队在 MVRDV 全球实践中的作用,通过一系列应用探索和学术案例,分享MVRDV NEXT团队正在进行的设计量化研究。


Editorial Team: Nicky Chang / Xuhui Zhang / Zhonghan Huang / Kai Wu / Zunheng Lai

践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。

践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young design talents and creative minds in architecture, design, and urbanism, and fosters an international design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulating cultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, site visits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence and encouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offline experience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings together over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.