APT TALK VOL. 22 | 践享第二十二期 SZ-NY Symbiotic Symposium
城市的共生与纷想 SZ-NY Symbiotic Symposium: The Life And Dream Of The City
2017深港城市\建筑双城双年展策展团队(刘晓都及团队)将于10月14日在哥伦比亚大学建筑学院与华人建筑师进行一场题为“城市的共生与纷想”的交流会。深双策展团队将演讲本次双年展的主题“城市共生Cities, Grow in Difference”,并就不同模式的建筑学与建筑实践和大家展开讨论与交流。该活动由深双主策展人刘晓都、孟岩发起,践谈、东岸学社联合举办。
Liu Xiaodu, curator of the Seventh Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen) will present on the theme of 2017 UABB, “Cities, Grow in Difference” and the role of 2017 UABB in the regeneration of Shenzhen. Hence, the city is the exhibition venue. The presentation will be followed by discussions led by DA League on the subject of academic research of urban village, and by APT on the diversity and dynamics of architectural practice in New York City. Note the 10/14 events will be partially in Chinese.