TALK VOL.16 | 践享第十六期 Young Designers And The Practice of Architecture

Young architects in early careers face daily challenges and opportunities while operating in multidisciplinary worlds. How can we become more successful in navigating the complex landscape of today's practice? How can we bring our new ideas to the real world and change the current status of practice?
本次“践谈”活动有幸请来建筑师与教师David Lee与我们分享他对年轻建筑师与建筑实践的看法。
In the upcoming “APT” talk, we are excited to have David Lee, a practicing architect and an educator, to share his thoughts on young designers and the practice of architecture.
我们同时非常感谢张叶与GSAPP Incubator一起协办本次活动,并提供本次活动的场地支持。
Ye Zhang and GSAPP Incubator for their generosity will co-host this event.
活动时间/Time:03/26/2017(Sunday) 2:00pm
活动地点/Location:231 Bowery, New York
David Lee是一名在纽约实践的建筑师。他曾工作于数家不同的公司并且拥有设计高层、独栋住宅、文化建筑、装置和校园规划的经验。他的个人作品发表展出于多家著名的美术馆例如Museum of the City of New York。他也曾执教本科生的设计课程,以及在不同的大学和研讨会上演讲。David Lee在The City College of New York取得了城市规划硕士学位,在California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo取得了建筑学士学位。
David Lee is a practicing architectural designer in New York City. He has worked for numerous firms and has experience designing high-rises, single-family homes, cultural buildings, architectural installations and campus master plans. His personal work has been published and displayed in notable galleries such as the Museum of the City of New York. He has taught undergraduate design studios and lectured at Universities and conferences. He holds a Master of Urban Planning from The City College of New York and a Bachelor of Architecture from California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo.
张叶在哥伦比亚大学取得城市设计硕士学位,目前是Gluckman Tang Architects的项目建筑师、负责一个中国1万平米的现代艺术博物馆。在2015年,她成立了Poché Arts Initiative去推动在艺术领域跨学科实践的新兴艺术家。Poché成功的策划了多次展览并且为艺术家和设计师发起了Kickstarter等众筹项目。张叶同时是Modelo的用户顾问,帮助建筑师沟通设计理念。
Ye Zhang holds a Master’s degree in urban design from Columbia University. She is a project designer at Gluckman Tang Architects, currently leading the design of a 10,000 sqm contemporary art museum in China. In 2015, she founded Poché Arts Initiative to promote emerging artists in interdisciplinary practices in the arts. Poché has successfully curated exhibitions and launched Kickstarter campaigns for artists and designers. Ye is also a customer success manager at Modelo, helping architects to communicate the vision of their designs.
GSAPP Incuabor简介
GSAPP Incubator是一个关于为新理念和项目而成立的孵化平台,它涉及建筑、文化、城市。利用哥伦比亚大学建筑研究生院的客座演讲人、课题讨论、设计课文化等资源,这个孵化平台主持并鼓励GSAPP毕业生包罗万象的实验。目前针对的项目将行动和讨论在大学和当地生活方式的层面上结合在一起。
The GSAPP Incubator is a launch pad for new ideas and projects about architecture, culture, and the city. Drawing on Columbia GSAPP guest lecturers, discourse, and studio culture, the Incubator hosts and encourages a wide range of experiments initiated by recent Columbia GSAPP graduates. Targeted projects combine action with discussion at the levels of the university, the city, and local ways of life.
GSAPP Incubatort提供了一个培养企业家和拓展实践模式的平台。然而它又在很多方面不同于其他的孵化器和联合办公空间。它既囊括任人文,又包含学科。它包含评论与讲座,同时又有实践活动与科技。它催生了深度的思考和简易明了的“电梯游说”。此外,它度量成功与否的标准超越了利润和增长本身。
The GSAPP Incubator offers a platform for entrepreneurship and expanded modes of practice. Yet it is distinct from other incubators and co-working spaces in several ways. The Incubator includes the humanities as well as the sciences. It involves critique and discourse as well as action and technology. It generates deep thinking as well as concise elevator pitches. And it uses measures of success beyond profit and growth.
EditorialTeam: Junfeng Wang / Nicky Chang / Xuhui Zhang / Zhonghan Huang / Kai Wu / Zunheng Lai
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young design talents and creative minds in architecture, design and urbanism, and fosters an international design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulating cultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, site visits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence and encouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offline experience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings together over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.