TALK VOL.15 |践享第十五期 TEN Arquitectos - New York Public Library 53rd Street
Creating humanistic and effective public space has always been a focal point of architecture. Although speculative development interests and various site limitation usually impose challenges on designers in realizing such ideal intent, intelligent design strategies never fail to ingeniously transform undesirable condition into pleasant surprises.
本次“践谈”的特别活动有幸邀请到TEN Arquitectos纽约办公室主持建筑师Andrea Steele,参观她的团队最近完成的53街纽约公共图书馆项目。与会者将置身于这个备受瞩目的公共项目当中,聆听设计者亲自讲解这座开放平台从概念孕育到实体落成过程中的精彩点滴。一个尴尬的地下空间如何转型成为开放、明朗的公共空间?一个图书馆如何担当起社区文化的交流平台?让我们怀揣这些疑问走入作品当中。
In the upcoming “APT” special event, we are honored to have architect Andrea Steele, partner of TEN Arquitectos, guiding us to tour TEN's latest project, the 53rd Street branch of the New York Public Library. The audience will have the unique opportunity to learn about how this exciting project was made possible from concept to realization. What transform a below-grade space into an urban attraction with ample sunshine?How can a library take the role as cultural platform for its community? With all your curiosity, we look forward to having you join us and experience this wonderful project.
活动时间/Time:16/02/2017(Thursday) 7:00PM
活动地点/Location:NYPL 53rd St.Branch,18 West 53rd Street,New York
报名链接: (APT 成员注册时请选择APT Member)
IMPORTANT: All RSVP guests and public attendants must scan EventBrite tickets’ QR Code at the door. Smart phone or printed tickets are both accepted.

About The Presenter
Andrea Steele, AIA
TEN Arquitectos
Andrea Steele 是TEN Arquitectos的合伙人,纽约办公室负责人。Andrea负责公司的北美项目,尤其聚焦于教育、文化及社区项目。Andrea获得哈佛大学GSD硕士,曾在多个建筑教育项目执教,其中包括近期在康奈尔大学的项目。她作为评委参与过世界范围的学术评奖,并代表TEN进行演讲。
Andrea Steele is a Partner at TEN Arquitectos and oversees the New York office. Andrea is in charge of the firm's US projects, with a particular focus on institutional, cultural and community oriented projects. Andrea received her Masters in Architecture from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, and has taught several architecture studios, including most recently at Cornell University.
TEN Arquitectos当前的项目包括:位于俄亥俄州克利夫兰Glenn研究园区的NASA创新中心;纽约东Harlem区滨水混合住宅;位于纽约布鲁克林的新文化中心,包括布鲁克林音乐学院、布鲁克林公共图书馆、MoCADA和651 Arts;以及新近建成的纽约公共图书馆分馆,位于53街现代艺术博物馆对面。
She has participated in awards and academic juries around the world and has lectured on TEN’s work throughout the US. Current TEN Arquitectos projects include a new innovative hub for NASA, part of the GSA Design Excellence Program, to be located on the Glenn Research campus in Cleveland, Ohio; a new mixed use residential waterfront development in East Harlem, New York; a new cultural heart for Downtown Brooklyn including Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn Public Library, MoCADA and 651 Arts; and the recently completed new 53rd Street branch library for the New York Public Library across from the Museum of Modern Art.
EditorialTeam: Junfeng Wang / Nicky Chang / Xuhui Zhang / Zhonghan Huang / Kai Wu / Zunheng Lai
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young designtalents and creative minds in architecture, design and urbanism, and fosters aninternational design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulatingcultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, sitevisits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence andencouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offlineexperience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings togetherover over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.