践谈 · 特别活动 电影之夜Drawing on Life
葡萄牙语中,两个不同的词分别表达“看” 与 “见”(olhar and ver),后者亦带有“理解”之意。建筑师的素养就是能“见到”。 —— Álvaro Siza
There are two different words in Portuguese that mean “to look”and “to see and understand” (olhar and ver). The tool of an architect is to be able to see” says Álvaro Siza.
Drawings, Sketches are existent proof of idea. They employ visuospatialvocabulary, using drawing elements on paper to represent elements and relation inthe real world. They do not portray reality; rather they convey conceptions ofreality. For architecture design, a practice featured by the realization ofintellectual ideas in form of built objects, the sketches are the very first intermediumbridging the intangible conceptuality and the materialized physicality. Theyare methods to externalization of thoughts, instruments of creation.
本期践谈将与大家分享践谈获得独家播放授权的记录影片Drawing on Life。片中记录了八位爱尔兰建筑师围绕手绘延展开的日常生活。在工作室,在咖啡厅,在能展开绘图本的任何场所,镜头旁观着他们的所思所言,揭示着手绘之于建筑师的意义。影片闯入线条和色彩的世界,在这里手绘保有远古的魔力。在愈发数字化的纷乱现实里,建筑师凭手中之笔捕捉刹那灵光,还原想象的勃勃生机。八个片段让我们窥见,建筑师如何、为何不停下手中画笔。
Drawing on Life is a film that follows a series of Irish architects intheir studios and the places they like to draw in. It eavesdrops on theirdiscussions and thoughts in order to explore and reveal their use of drawing. The film enters this unique space of lineand color where hand drawing still has an almost primeval power to captureideas and to allow architects to communicate the rawness and energy of theirimagination amidst our complex and frenetic digital world. The short‘portraits’ offer glimpses into why and how these architects continue to drawby hand.
活动时间/Time:05/01/2016(Sunday) 7:00PM
活动地点/Location:Professor Tong Ming's APT @ Battery Park City
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EditorialTeam: Junfeng Wang / Nicky Chang / Xuhui Zhang / Zhonghan Huang / Kai Wu
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) 是由年轻设计师组成的开放社群,由来自建筑、室内、景观、规划的具有多元背景的设计师组成,以线上分享讨论、线下座谈参观的活动形式关注设计实践的经验与思考,旨在推动跨界对话和设计创新。践谈APT于2014年底成立于纽约哈德逊河畔的一方小小客厅,现已发展为数千位年轻设计师和线上读者共同营造的设计师生态圈。
践谈APT (Architectural Practice Talk) celebrates young designtalents and creative minds in architecture, design and urbanism, and fosters aninternational design community by curating a series of diverse and stimulatingcultural events. Through a rich program of office tours, interviews, sitevisits and lecture series, APT is committed to nurturing design excellence andencouraging interdisciplinary dialogues through the power of online and offlineexperience. Founded in a small apartment in New York, today APT brings togetherover over thousands of industry influencers and reaches thousands of readers in the design community.